
ConstiCare Liquid


29 in stock



Main Indications 

  • Constipation
  • Laxative

What is ConstiCare Liquid? 

ConstiCare Liquid is a natural, non-addictive herbal remedy specifically formulated by qualified homeopath to relieve symptoms of constipation and regulate bowel movement. 

What are the ingredients? 

ConstiCare Liquid is a 100% herbal formula and contains the following ingredient in therapeutic dosage:  Cascara, Dandelion Root, Globe Artichoke,   Liquorice, Marshmallow and Milk Thistle.

Cascara Bark (Rhamnus purshiana bark) 

It was used traditionally as an herbal laxative by various Native American Indian tribes.

The active constituents in cascara sagrada are hydroxyanthraquinone glycosides called cascarosides. These cascarosides have a cathartic effect by inducing muscular contraction called peristalsis in the large intestine, encouraging a bowel movement.

Cascara sagrada increases the secretion of bile from the gall bladder. Because of this property, cascara sagrada has been used to break up and prevent gallstones.

When properly aged, cascara sagrada is useful for soothing upset stomachs.

Improves the flow of secretions from the pancreas, stomach, and liver to promote digestion and aid in elimination.

Cascara sagrada is thought to act as a natural antibiotic in the intestines when taken internally and it has been used to help eliminate gastrointestinal parasites such as worms.

It is thought to relief the pressure and pain associated with hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Supplement Facts

Herbal supplement

Serving Size: take 10 to 15 drops before food once or twice in a day dilute in 50ml water

Servings Per Container: 30 to 40 days (30 ml)

Ingredients:  Cascara 20%, Dandelion Root 20%, Globe Artichoke 20%,   Liquorice 10%, Marshmallow 10%, Milk Thistle 20%.

Weekly Dosage (ml): 15-35


The herb should be obtained from trusted sources to ensure proper aging. Do not use the herb if there are existing ulcers, colitis, or any other gastrointestinal conditions. Use caution if pregnant or nursing. As with any herbal supplement or remedy, consult a qualified physician before using cascara sagrada.